Completed National Projects

2020.02.01 - 2023.12.31
Composite Fuels
Title: Development of a technology for producing low-emission, qualified composite fuel based on hard coal and a research production line for product quality testing,” acronym: Composite Fuels.
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG is implementing a project co-financed by European Funds titled: “Development of a technology for producing low-emission, qualified composite fuel based on hard coal and a research production line for product quality testing,” acronym: Composite Fuels.
The objective of the project is to develop an environmentally friendly composite solid fuel intended for small and medium-sized boilers.
Improvement of air quality in urban areas by reducing PM10 and PM2.5 particulate emissions, which directly results from the properties of the composite fuel,
Reduction of gaseous emissions such as NOx, SOx, CO, and PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) into the atmosphere, positively impacting residents’ health and the natural environment.
PROJECT VALUE: 4,678,293.40 PLN

2019.12.01 - 2023.11.30
Integrated Analytical Platform
Integrated Analytical Platform
Integrated Analytical Platform
POPC.02.02.00-00-0015/18-00 “Integrated Analytical Platform” under the Operational Programme Digital Poland for 2014-2020. Priority Axis No. 2 “E-administration and Open Government.” Action No. 2.2 “Digitization of back-office processes in government administration.”
Responsible institution: The Chancellery of the Prime Minister
Collaborating entities:
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Family and Social Policy
- Ministry of Education and Science
- Uniwersytet Warszawski,
- Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie,
- Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG
The main goal of the project is to improve the effectiveness of administrative actions in selected areas of social and economic issues by supporting decision-making processes with high-quality analytical information. The Integrated Analytical Platform ZPA project will address identified needs and aims to achieve the following specific objectives:
- Providing analytical tools in one place to support decision-making processes in public administration.
- Development of data access and analysis templates for key social and economic areas.
- Creating technical and organizational capabilities for social dialogue and collaboration with academic communities in advancing state analytics and enhancing the effectiveness of addressing social issues.
- Systematizing technical methods and access principles to the state’s key informational resources for analytical purposes, along with implementing a cohesive security system and data access methods for analytical use.
- Providing public administration data for scientific research to support decision-making by public policy makers while ensuring appropriate protection.
- Enhancing the digitization of government administration in areas covered by the catalog of recommendations for the digital advancement of offices.
- Providing analytical tools in one place to support decision-making processes in public administration.
- The preparation and implementation of the Platform as a central analytical system for public administration, based on data collected across all institutions within this administration, will enable more efficient and accurate preparation of analyses to support decision-making processes.
- Development of data access and analysis templates for key social and economic areas.
- During the project, data access templates for key Data Stewards providing IAP data will be developed, documented, and placed in the Knowledge Base. These access templates will facilitate the implementation of standards for research processes in public administration, enabling their use in subsequent research and analyses beyond the scope of the project.
- Future research will be able to benefit from the knowledge and experience gained, reducing costs and accelerating the execution cycle.
- The documentation will also include information on the data quality of the Data Stewards.
- Creating technical and organizational opportunities for social dialogue and collaboration with academic communities in developing state analytics and enhancing the effectiveness of addressing social issues. Engaging the academic community in conducting selected Research provides the Project with essential know-how. Leveraging this potential increases the effectiveness of the Research conducted.
- Usystematyzowanie metod technicznych i zasad dostępu do kluczowych zasobów informacyjnych państwa na potrzeby analityczne, wraz z wdrożeniem spójnego systemu bezpieczeństwa oraz metod dostępu do danych do celów analitycznych.
- The value of the Project will lie in documenting the status, quality, and availability of data collected in public administration registers.
- Key Data Stewards will be equipped with dedicated mechanisms – permanent interfaces for the periodic transfer of data to the ZPA (Integrated Analytical Platform).
- Collaboration between public administration and the academic community during the Project will provide unique research material and form the basis for new publications related to research methodology.
- The ZPA (Integrated Analytical Platform) is intended for cross-sectional analyses using data from various administrative sources. Leveraging the ability to combine data managed by different ministries will enable more reliable analyses, forming the basis for impact assessments of implemented regulations and facilitating the process of monitoring the effects of regulations in the future
- It is assumed that in at least two areas (the healthcare system and social assistance), a legislative initiative may be developed in which the results obtained through the ZPA (Integrated Analytical Platform) will be used for the preparation of Regulatory Impact Assessments (RIA).
- Improving functionality within the scope covered by the catalog of recommendations on the digital advancement of the office: as a result of implementing data exchange interfaces, two entities will improve their assessment in meeting the digital advancement criterion related to ensuring interoperability of the systems and public registers they use.
As part of the project on the Integrated Analytical Platform (ZPA), the following analyses are planned for implementation:
- Optimization of financial resource allocation for healthcare and social policy (Ministry of Health – MZ), aimed at analyzing whether funds spent on managing a patient with a specific medical condition are used in a way that maximizes health outcomes
- Professional activation of school graduates (Ministry of Education and Science – MEiN, with the support of the University of Warsaw – UW), aimed at assessing the labor market situation of secondary school and university graduates. The analysis results, which provide insight into graduates’ status across different dimensions of the labor market, will contribute not only to a better understanding of the educational factors influencing labor market success but also enable more effective creation of educational policies and initiatives aimed at the professional activation of various groups of graduates.
- Analysis of the utilization of social security benefits and net public transfers by individuals and households (Ministry of Family and Social Policy – MRiPS, with the support of the Warsaw School of Economics – SGH), aimed at using information collected in administrative registers to monitor the use of social benefits, professional activity, and income from work for selected populations: families with children, individuals with a history of unemployment, and persons with disabilities.
- Educational trajectories of children and youth (Ministry of Education and Science – MEiN, with the support of the University of Warsaw – UW), aimed at identifying the educational choices and pathways of children and youth and their determinants, the labor market situation in relation to different educational pathways, as well as the educational pathways of individuals with disabilities and chronic illnesses.
- Optimization of financial resource allocation for healthcare and social policy: Environmental and social determinants of health inequalities, including the consequences of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (Ministry of Health – MZ), aimed at providing a reliable and comprehensive assessment of the relationship between socio-demographic and environmental factors and the health status of the population.
- European Union Funds: Operational Programme Digital Poland, Action 2.2 “Digitization of back-office processes in government administration.”
- State budget.
Amount: 37,536,777.62 PLN
Amount: 31,764,202.07 PLN
Amount: 5,772,575.55 PLN

01.05.2016 - 2023.12.31
Development of a digital twin of a power boiler – TWIN
Development of a digital twin of a power boiler – TWIN
The project involves developing a digital industrial twin of the WP-70 heating boiler, with future adaptability to other models of power and heating boilers. The solution will take the form of an operator control room workstation, equipped with an AI-based thermodynamic process simulator of the boiler, automation reflecting key boiler regulators, a SCADA system based on industrial automation protocols, and operator screens and controls. The system will also collect extensive operational data from both the real and virtual boilers and will enable a range of analytical functions. This solution is particularly intended for power plants, universities, and vocational training centers. In an operational plant setting, it will support boiler operation, diagnostics, and monitoring, and allow for testing and optimizing energy generation systems without risking the operation of the actual boiler.
The solution developed within the project will enable:
- scenario-based setting of fuel and environmental parameters
- testing of operator settings and work scenarios, including boundary parameters
- improvement of boiler supervision methods and identification of best practices
- professional development of operators
- examination of operators and evaluation of their work effectiveness
- training of students in energy and thermal engineering programs
- early detection of anomalies in the operation of the actual boiler (predictive maintenance)
The target solution is designed to provide high-quality simulations of the actual boiler’s operation, thereby enabling operational optimization, testing and implementation of improvements, increased safety in heating plants or power plants, and professional development for operators. Improved boiler availability and higher reliability of energy production are expected through the reduction of some operator errors and predictive maintenance analyses. In a training environment, the solution will serve as an educational and research platform for future energy operators and engineers, allowing for skill development, testing of extreme scenarios, and optimization assumptions.
Project value: 5,512,343.75 PLN
Contribution from European Funds: 4,812,075.00 PLN

2024.05.09 - 2024.07.31
Science Picnic
Development and organization of science picnics in connection with the Science Social Responsibility Program at the Łukasiewicz Institutes
Development and organization of science picnics in connection with the Science Social Responsibility Program at the Łukasiewicz Institutes
Contract No. 14/Ł-EMAG/ZP/2024
Project value: 45,200 PLN
Implementation period: from 09.05.2024 to 31.07.2024
Objectives of the activity:
- implementation of elements of the Network’s strategy and activity plan related to the social responsibility of science, including raising awareness about new technologies,
- inspiring children and youth to take an interest in science and to understand the importance of science and technological development for society and its impact on improving the quality of life in Poland,
- establishing and developing relationships with the local community by increasing the accessibility of the Institute’s activities, with a focus on marginalized groups,
- gathering experience in working with children and youth in the context of future Social Responsibility of Science (SON) activities,
- building a broad support network for the Network’s activities and inspiring and developing talents at an early stage of education,
- shaping the image of both the Institute and the Network as socially engaged institutions involved in scientific fields that represent attractive career paths.

2023.11.15 - 2023.12.31
Open Days
Implementation of the Science Social Responsibility Program at the Łukasiewicz Institutes through the organization of “Open Days” events for local school students.
Implementation of the Science Social Responsibility Program at the Łukasiewicz Institutes through the organization of “Open Days” events for local school students.
The aim of the project is to organize an Open Day event for local school youth at one of the institutes.
The objectives of the activity are:
- implementation of elements of the Network’s strategy related to the social responsibility of science,
- gathering experience in the context of future tasks in the area of Social Responsibility of Science (SON),
- establishing and developing relationships with the local school community,
- building the image of both the Network and the institutes as socially engaged institutions involved in scientific fields that represent attractive career paths.
The project is being carried out in a consortium.
- Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Górnośląski Instytut Technologiczny
- Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Metali Nieżelaznych
- Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG
- Lukasiewicz Research Network – Krakow Institute of Technology
- Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Polski Ośrodek Rozwoju Technologii
- Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Ciężkiej Syntezy Organicznej „Blachownia”
- Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Łódzki Instytut Technologiczny

2019.10.17 - 2022.06.30
Śląskie Centrum Badań i Pomiarów dla Cyfrowych Systemów Łączności Radiowej
Śląskie Centrum Badań i Pomiarów dla Cyfrowych Systemów Łączności Radiowej – Radio
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Technik Innowacyjnych EMAG is implementing a project co-financed by European Funds entitled: “SILESIAN RESEARCH AND MEASUREMENT CENTER FOR DIGITAL RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS,” acronym RADIO.
The aim of the project is to build new laboratory stations for testing the spectral parameters of the latest digital communication systems and the sensitivity of devices to external radio signals with high electromagnetic field intensities.
EU project funding: 7,915,305.30 PLN

2020.02.01 - 2023.12.31
Public Administration Catalogs
Public Administration Catalogs
Public Administration Catalogs
Project objective: Streamlining back-office processes that support the integrated digitization of the country in the development of public e-services.
Improving the process of managing the development of public e-services in government administration units.
Providing a reference database of standard, consistent, reliable, up-to-date, complete, high-quality data on public institutions and services, as well as associated document templates and state informational resources, for the RP portal, other service portals, and domain systems delivering e-services for citizens, businesses, organizations, and officials.
Improving the functioning of state entities by enhancing digital competencies and implementing digital services.
Increasing the competencies of government administration employees in public services, including those provided electronically, and enhancing their digital skills.
POPC.02.02.00-00-0036/19-00 “PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION CATALOGS” under the Operational Programme Digital Poland for 2014-2020. Priority Axis No. 2 “E-administration and Open Government.” Action No. 2.2 “Digitization of back-office processes in government administration.”
Beneficiary: Łukasiewicz Research Network – EMAG Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG
Project value: 44,552,760.30 PLN, including funding from the state budget: 6,847,759.26 PLN and ERDF: 37,705,001.04 PLN

2019.10.01 - 2022.06.30
Project Title: Security System for Resources and Processes of the Community of Telecommunications Operators Providing Online Services (tSEC)
Security System for Resources and Processes of the Community of Telecommunications Operators Providing Online Services (tSEC)
The objective of the tSEC project is to develop an integrated security system for resources and processes for the community of small and medium-sized telecommunications operators, referred to here as local operators (ISP – Internet Service Providers).
The tSEC system includes technical and organizational-procedural solutions addressing two primary functional areas:
Monitoring and analysis of network traffic to detect and respond to threats, aiming to minimize negative impacts, thus serving as a Security Operations Center (SOC) for the community of ISP operators (Internet Service Providers).
Supporting information security management and business continuity for the ISP operator community based on risk analysis, with a particular focus on personal data protection.
The project includes industrial research, experimental development work, and pre-implementation activities.
The result of the tSEC project will be an integrated security system for resources and processes for the community of small and medium-sized telecommunications operators, combining the functions of a fully-featured Security Operations Center (SOC) with support for information security management and business continuity based on risk analysis (including personal data protection in compliance with GDPR).

2018.02.01 - 2020.04.30
Central Threat Register (CRZ) – Information and Expert Knowledge Management System for Security Threats in Railway Transport
Centralny Rejestr Zagrożeń (CRZ) – System zarządzania informacją i wiedzą ekspercką o zagrożeniach bezpieczeństwa w transporcie kolejowym
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under agreement POIR.04.01.02-00-0024/17-00
The objective of the project is to develop a central IT system that enables collaboration between entities for the joint assessment and monitoring of railway infrastructure security (in accordance with Article 4 of EU Regulation 1078/2012). The system will be based on information exchange between companies in the railway sector and will support threat assessment and decision-making (Decision Support System – DSS) regarding the selection of security measures.
This support will be provided through:
- aggregating information within a central knowledge base,
- The development and implementation of mechanisms for analyzing and building connections between elements stored in the knowledge base; based on these, enterprises will be able to prepare reports for their own Safety Management Systems (SMS) and Maintenance Management Systems (MMS).
- Development of common tools for conducting risk analyses, integrated with the knowledge base and utilizing connections between data (including legal requirements);
- Establishment of an expert group and the development of support functions for it in the area of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), enabling joint assessment of railway safety issues.
The project results will have a significant impact on improving the efficiency of applying SMS and MMS procedures in railway transport, enhancing the quality of hazard assessments and analyses, and increasing the effectiveness of corrective and preventive actions. This will be achieved through support from an expert group and the use of a knowledge base that provides industry-wide data on hazards, countermeasures, and mitigation methods. System users will include passenger and freight transport companies, infrastructure and rolling stock maintenance companies, market regulators, railway company boards, safety officers, and SMS and MMS system users.
- knowledge base storing information necessary for conducting risk analyses, supplemented with information on actual past events and their outcomes
- access to anonymized data stored in the knowledge base for railway market participants; enabling the creation of reports and summaries based on this data;
- access to a registry of regulations, containing currently applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances
- Advanced risk analyzer used by system users and a forum of experts on railway safety;
- expert forum – an advisory body composed of representatives from selected railway companies with essential knowledge and experience in railway safety. Providing system users with access to consultations and advice from the expert forum. Enabling joint safety analysis by system users and the expert forum;
- notifying system users about hazards through various media, including email, SMS, and MMS;
- cloud-based system available.

2018.04.01 - 2020.08.31
Integrated platform supporting service delivery and security management for local telecommunications providers
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under agreement POIR.04.01.04-00-0010/17
Title: “Integrated platform supporting service delivery and security management for local telecommunications providers.”
The objective of the project is to develop a security management system integrated with a Business/Operations Support System (B/OSS) dedicated to small or medium-sized telecommunications enterprises. The system will include risk management components at the following levels:
- static – periodic risk analysis in the operational environment and adaptation of the security system to changes occurring in that environment;
- dynamic – real-time risk analysis, event response, and security system adjustment.
The system will also enable alerting and information exchange with other entities, including superior security centers (such as CSIRTs – Computer Security Incident Response Teams and CERTs – Computer Emergency Response Teams) and collaboration with the National Electronic Identification Node. Achieving the project objective requires conducting research and development to define and validate the developed components and interfaces in detail and ensure compliance with new EU regulations (General Data Protection Regulation, NIS – Network and Information Systems Directive 2016/1148, eIDAS – Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market) as well as Poland’s Cybersecurity Strategy.
The results of the R&D work and the product developed from it will primarily support companies in the small and medium-sized enterprise sector within the domestic telecommunications operator market. The Consortium aims to create a product based on the research results that meets the needs of local telecommunications operators and is commercially viable. The outcomes of the project’s planned activities will be disseminated mainly on a national scale, with expansion also considered in foreign markets, including Eastern European countries.
The B3S system will be distributed in three models:
- traditional individual model (installed for a single operator serving over 10,000 subscribers),
- traditional multi-entity model (installed for multiple operators serving up to 10,000 subscribers),
- service-based SaaS model (Service as a Service – installed for multiple operators serving both up to 10,000 subscribers and over).
As a result of the research work, areas related to system usability in each model will be identified and refined, as they may prove crucial for the client’s decision in selecting a specific solution.

01.05.2016 - 31.01.2019
Increasing the reliability and safety level of an SF6 gas-insulated switchgear (g3) with enhanced rated parameters by implementing an operational monitoring system and an innovative solution to minimize the effects of arc faults.
Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under agreement POIR.04.01.04-00-0073/15
Title: “Increasing the Reliability and Safety Level of an SF6 Gas-Insulated Switchgear (g3) with Enhanced Rated Parameters by Implementing an Operational Monitoring System and an Innovative Solution to Minimize the Effects of Arc Faults.”
The objective of the project is to develop and manufacture an SF6 gas-insulated switchgear (or alternatively g3 gas) with enhanced rated parameters, increased reliability, and operational safety. The reliability of the gas-insulated switchgear will be improved through the use of modern solutions, including a system for monitoring operational parameters.
- optimization of insulation in SF6 (g3) gas-insulated switchgear, providing guidelines for its dimensioning,
- minimization of the dimensions of switchgear compartments and entire switchgear units, which determine the size of the buildings where such switchgear will be installed,
- enhancement of operational safety for these devices, with particular emphasis on potential hazards during internal arc fault conditions,
- increased operational reliability and maintenance-free performance over long service intervals (reducing operational costs),
- increased allowable current-carrying capacity under cooling conditions with SF6 or g3 insulating gas (in the equipment compartment) and with solid insulation (in the busbar compartment), ensuring cost reduction.
PROJECT VALUE: 7,307,875.84 PLN,
including funding of 5,226,569.26 PLN.
The consortium includes:
- Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Technik Innowacyjnych EMAG
- KIZO Sp. z o.o. Sp. K.

2021.04.01 - 2023.12.31
KOCIOŁ PYŁOWY (Pulverized Fuel Boiler)
Development of an automatic system based on artificial intelligence to improve boiler efficiency under variable loads, acronym KOCIOŁ PYŁOWY
Development of an automatic system based on artificial intelligence to improve boiler efficiency for variable loads, acronym KOCIOŁ PYŁOWY.
The project aims to address the energy sector’s challenge of improving boiler efficiency across a wide load range. Increasing the flexibility of coal-fired units is crucial, as they are increasingly taking on a regulatory role in the system.
The project aims to develop an autonomous system responsible for dosing a liquid combustion process modifier into the pulverized fuel pipeline of the boiler. Control of the dosing system will be based on its own:
– coal dust fineness measurement system,
– set of flame scanners.
To achieve the goal, it is necessary to conduct research and development (R&D) work. Initially, this will involve installation work on real facilities, including the installation of a vision and measurement module for coal dust fineness, and conducting baseline measurements to determine the boiler’s input parameters at selected load levels.
This task requires selecting the appropriate measurement geometry for the installed modules. Key considerations include the selection and positioning of the triboelectric probe along with the associated components of the module. Proper placement of flame scanners and selection of their operating parameters are also essential. Based on input and output data obtained at various boiler load levels, work will proceed to prepare a model for the combustion intensification system controller using artificial intelligence.
In process control, AI techniques will be employed, including machine learning, fuzzy logic, and artificial neural networks. The controller model, once converted into a prototype, will undergo functional and engineering testing. After the installation of the system with the controller, calibration will be conducted. The next task will involve performing operational tests on the boiler and verifying the dosing efficiency of the modifier using reference methods.
Project value: 9,967,305.10 PLN
European Funds contribution: 7,901,480.10 PLN

2021.05.01 - 2022.12.31
Available tool for conducting survey research within the deaf community.
Project Title: Accessible Tool for Conducting Survey Research within the Deaf Community.
The project will result in the development of a survey research tool specifically designed for deaf respondents. This tool will enable deaf individuals who use sign language to participate in public life by allowing them to express their opinions in various types of research (e.g., scientific studies, public opinion, industrial sector, etc.) and influence social life by having their voices heard. This innovation addresses a social issue related to the insufficient accessibility of public spaces (e.g., during public consultations, providing recommendations, project reviews, and making decisions on local policies) for people with disabilities and those with limited perception.
Developing a digitally and communicatively accessible tool will facilitate active participation in these public activities.
Project value: 49,600 PLN

2021.06.01 - 2022.09.30
Relational On-Line Analytical Processing concept based on symbolic machine learning methods – ROLAP-ML
The concept of Relational On-Line Analytical Processing based on symbolic machine learning methods – ROLAP-ML.
Form of financing: targeted grant
The total cost of the research project is 498,325.00 PLN.
A targeted grant to cover eligible expenses in the amount of 398,660.00 PLN.
The project aims to apply machine learning methods, specifically data pattern detection techniques, to automate the process of discovering strong, user-hypothesis-driven relationships in databases while maintaining user interaction. Methods for automatic data summarization will be developed for various exploratory problems, including group description (classification and subgroup discovery), explaining changes in variable(s) values (regression, survival analysis, and reliability analysis), explaining differences between groups (contrast set mining), identifying exceptional situations (such as exception rule mining), and action planning problems. Research in this area has been conducted by the project team for many years. The development of new methods will focus on enabling their operation in distributed computing environments.
The project will involve experimental work, including the analysis of benchmark datasets (from Kaggle and UCI repositories) and three proof-of-concept analyses demonstrating the usefulness of the developed methods. The result will be a set of tools that, either automatically or interactively with the user, searches databases to discover interesting relationships. User interactions will be facilitated through a specialized hypothesis definition language.

2022.11.25 - 2023.02.28
Legal Support in Łukasiewicz for the Implementation of Organizational Innovation – Introduction of a Legal Support Model for the Łukasiewicz Research Network, Considering the Distinctions Between the Central Unit and Individual Łukasiewicz Institutes – PRAWO
Legal Support in Łukasiewicz for the Introduction of Organizational Innovation – Implementation of a Legal Support Model for the Łukasiewicz Research Network, Considering the Distinctions Between the Central Unit and Individual Łukasiewicz Institutes – PRAWO
Support for the Activities of the Łukasiewicz Center within the Project “Legal Support in Łukasiewicz for the Introduction of Organizational Innovation – Implementation of a Legal Support Model for the Łukasiewicz Research Network, Considering the Distinctions Between the Central Unit and Individual Łukasiewicz Institutes” – PRAWO
The goal of the project is to support the activities of the Łukasiewicz Center in implementing the project “Legal Support in Łukasiewicz for the Introduction of Organizational Innovation – Implementation of a Legal Support Model for the Łukasiewicz Research Network, Considering the Distinctions Between the Central Unit and Individual Łukasiewicz Institutes.”
The project is being carried out in a consortium.
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Poznański Instytut Technologiczny
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów PIAP
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji
Implementation Period: 25.11.2022 – 28.02.2023

2021.03.01 - 2023.09.30
A skeletal system of an automatic translator to Polish Sign Language utilizing a virtual human character mechanism.
Project co-financed/financed by the National Centre for Research and Development under the competition “Social and Economic Development of Poland in the Conditions of Globalizing Markets – GOSPOSTRATEG”
Contract Number: GOSPOSTRATEG-IV/0002/2020
Task Name: Skeletal System of an Automatic Translator to Polish Sign Language Utilizing a Virtual Human Character Mechanism.
The goal of the project is to develop a skeletal solution that enables the translation of spoken Polish into sign language using a virtual human character. The innovation of the solution lies in incorporating emotions and non-verbal elements of speech into gesture visualization. This solution will enhance engagement and help eliminate social barriers for deaf individuals by providing them with a tool that supports communication in their native language (Polish Sign Language, PJM).
Funding: 7,989,437.50 PLN
Total Value: 7,989,437.50 PLN

2019.12.19 - 2020.02.29
Research on Enhancing the Clarity of Expressions in Polish Sign Language through an Animated Virtual Character
Research on the Possibilities of Enhancing the Clarity of Expressions in Polish Sign Language through an Animated Virtual Character.
The goal of the project is to explore the feasibility of developing a solution that enables the presentation of expressions in Polish Sign Language (PJM) through a virtual human character. The animation of this virtual character will incorporate the expression of emotions and non-verbal elements of speech in the visualization of gestures. The basis for undertaking this research is the need for a solution that enhances the clarity of communication conveyed through a virtual character and helps eliminate social barriers for deaf individuals by providing them with a tool that supports communication in their natural language (PJM). The research findings will address a range of questions regarding the effectiveness of virtual characters in presenting sign language expressions. Additionally, the research results will indicate whether, given the current state of technology, further research aimed at automating the process of conveying content in PJM through virtual characters is warranted.
Project Start Date: March 1, 2019
Project End Date: February 29, 2020
Funding Amount: 279,039.47 PLN

2017.03.01 - 2020.12.31
Regional Cybersecurity Center
RegSOC – The “Regional Cybersecurity Center” (RegSOC) project aims to enhance the level of digital security in the public sector by preparing and prototypically launching a cybersecurity center for public entities, with the potential for expansion to non-public entities.
The primary research focus of the project is to expand data sources on network events and develop solutions for more effective threat detection. In addition to commonly used methods, the project will incorporate anomaly analysis in network traffic, analysis of public textual sources, and spam campaign detection. Beyond technical solutions, the project emphasizes the establishment of communication channels and defines communication protocols among entities at the regional and central levels involved in building cybersecurity. This will enable a higher level of security, introduce procedures to reduce the likelihood of adverse events, and develop methods for broader protection against their impacts. The project will create a model solution that can subsequently be adapted and expanded to other regions in Poland.
Project Manager at the Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG – Dr. hab. Eng. Andrzej Białas, Associate Professor at EMAG
Specific Project Objectives:
- Development of a hardware-software solution used at the client endpoint – the connection point where the entity’s internal network connects to the public network (client-side – local).
- Development of an organizational system and software for the operation of regional cybersecurity centers, integrating client devices from a given area (regional compone
- Development of integration mechanisms for regional centers (RegSOC) with the central entity – CSIRT NASK and the National Cybersecurity Platform
The project is implemented by a consortium consisting of: Wrocław University of Science and Technology (Leader), the Research and Academic Computer Network – National Research Institute (NASK-PIB), and the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG
The project implementation is divided into a research phase and a deployment preparation phase, comprising a total of 7 tasks.
Wrocław University of Science and Technology is responsible for developing the regional solution (platform and organizational and operational procedures), threat analysis methods and prototyping, as well as preparation for deployment.
NASK-PIB is responsible for developing integration mechanisms at the central level (procedural and technical) and participates in the development of regional solutions. It also supports communication and collaboration with NC Cyber and CERT Polska.
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG is responsible for incorporating the requirements of non-public entities and participates in the development of threat analysis methods.
Project Outcomes
Technological Solutions:
- Client-specific digital-hardware solution dedicated to public institutions,
- Digital security monitoring platform for RegSOC,
- Organizational and procedural model for the operation of regional centers in collaboration with CSIRT NASK, along with internal software integrating RegSOC with the NPC.
Implementation Outcomes:
- Model RegSOC przy Politechnice Wrocławskiej zakłada utworzenie centralnego ośrodka monitoringu i zarządzania bezpieczeństwem (SOC), którego kluczowe komponenty zostaną wdrożone bezpośrednio u zainteresowanych instytucji lub firm.
- Raport z realizacji projektu powinien zawierać analizę możliwości technicznych i gospodarczych, które pozwolą na szerokie wdrożenie opracowanego rozwiązania na rynek, zarówno krajowy, jak i międzynarodowy.
Project implementation benefits:
- Savings resulting from replacing commercial solutions in the public sector with the system developed within this project,
- Improving the quality and reliability of digital public services and enabling the provision of more advanced forms of them,
- Savings from avoiding administrative fines and compensation costs resulting from data security breaches,
- Easier, more efficient and uninterrupted use of a range of digital public services available to citizens and companies in contacts with e-administration,
- Easier access to public administration services, improved image of the office.
The project is funded by the National Centre for Research and Development as part of the second competition of the CyberSecIdent program – Cybersecurity and e-Identity.
Project start date: March 1, 2018
Project end date: February 28, 2021
Project leader: Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Project value: 12,779,289 PLN, including 12,739,809 PLN in funding
- Białas A., Michalak M., Flisiuk B.: Anomaly Detection in Network Traffic Security Assurance, in Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Dependability of Computer Systems DepCoS-RELCOMEX, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 987, pp. 46-56, 2020. (
- Michalak M., Wawrowski Ł., Sikora M., Kurianowicz R., Kozłowski A., Białas A.: Outlier Detection in Network Traffic Monitoring, (Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods – Volume 1: ICPRAM), ISBN 978-989-758-486-2, pages 523-530, 2021 (
- Michalak M., Wawrowski Ł., Sikora M., Kurianowicz R., Kozłowski A., Białas A.: Open-source-based Environment for Network Traffic Anomaly Detection, (Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Dependability of Computer Systems DepCoS-RELCOMEX), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1389:284-295, 2021 (
- Wawrowski Ł., Michalak M., Białas A., Kurianowicz R., Sikora M., Uchroński M., Kajzer A.: Detecting Anomalies and Attacks in Network Traffic Monitoring with Classification Methods and XAI-based Explainability, Procedia Computer Science, 192:2259-2268, 2021 (
Available Datasets
RegSOC-KES2021 (

2018.03.01 - 2022.06.30
National Scheme for the Evaluation and Certification of Security and Privacy of IT Products and Systems in Compliance with Common Criteria
Project funded by the National Centre for Research and Development under the Cybersecurity and Digital Identity Program – CyberSecIdent.
Title: National Scheme for the Evaluation and Certification of Security and Privacy of IT Products and Systems in Compliance with Common Criteria (KSO3C)
The KSO3C project is a joint initiative of three scientific and research institutions operating under the supervision of the Minister of Digital Affairs: the National Institute of Telecommunications – Institute of Innovative Technologies. Instytut Łączności – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy (Consortium Leader), Naukowa i Akademicka Sieć Komputerowa – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy oraz Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Technik Innowacyjnych EMAG.
Agreement No. CYBERSECIDENT/381282/II/NCBR/2018
Project Manager from the Instytut Łączności – Dr. Eng. Elżbieta Andrukiewicz
From the Naukowa i Akademicka Sieć Komputerowa – Paweł Kostkiewicz
From the Łukasiewicz – EMAG – M.Eng. Dariusz Rogowski
The purpose of the project
The purpose of the project is to develop and implement a scheme in Poland for the evaluation and certification of IT product security and privacy in compliance with a widely recognized standard for IT security assessment: PN-ISO/IEC 15408 Information Technology – Security Techniques – Evaluation Criteria for IT Security, commonly known as “Common Criteria.” This standard outlines a series of requirements for designing and assessing the security of IT products. These security measures are characterized by a justified level of confidence in the effectiveness and efficiency of protections, confirmed through independent evaluations performed by licensed testing laboratories.
As a result of the project, two security assessment laboratories will be established in Poland, located at Instytut Łączności – PIB and Łukasiewicz – EMAG. These laboratories will be overseen by a certification body at NASK– PIB, which will issue certificates for IT products that successfully pass the assessment process.
Compliance certificates with Common Criteria for evaluated IT products, issued within the Polish scheme, will be recognized by the most economically advanced countries of the European Union and worldwide. The Polish system for assessing and certifying the security of IT products and services aligns with the European Commission’s initiatives aimed at creating a European cybersecurity certification framework.
The main deliverables of the project include:
- Organizationally, procedurally, and technically prepared for operational activities, two conformity assessment laboratories at Instytut Łączności – PIB and Łukasiewicz – EMAG will be established and accredited in compliance with the PN-EN ISO 17025 standard.
- An organizationally and procedurally prepared certification body at NASK-PIB (Research and Academic Computer Network – National Research Institute), which will obtain accreditation in compliance with the PN-EN ISO 17065 standard.
- Common Criteria compliance certificates for at least two IT products evaluated in the assessment laboratories.
- An operationally ready evaluation and certification scheme capable of issuing Common Criteria certificates at EAL 1-4 levels.
Project value: PLN 24,322,325.28, including funding of PLN 24,164,009.28

2018.01.01 - 2020.09.30
Development of a prototype system for real-time measurement of coal dust fineness in pulverized coal boilers.
Project funded by the National Centre for Research and Development under the LIDER VIII program.
Title: “Development of a Prototype System for Real-Time Measurement of Coal Dust Fineness in Pulverized Coal Boilers” – POM-PY
Agreement No. LIDER/20/0119/L-8/16/NCBR/2017
Project Manager: Dr. Eng. Jarosław Smyła
Project Objective:
The aim of the project is to develop a prototype system that continuously determines the average particle size of flowing coal dust in the pipeline of a pulverized coal boiler installation leading to the burner. This proposed solution is a perfect match for market needs. In power plants and combined heat and power plants, there is an ongoing issue with achieving an even quantitative and qualitative distribution of coal dust with the appropriate granulation. Preparing fuel in a way that does not align with the boiler’s design specifications leads to an improper combustion process. Increasing regulatory demands for reducing emissions of harmful substances from coal-fired energy boilers, along with the drive to improve efficiency in electricity and heat production (thus reducing losses from the combustion of solid fuels), necessitate control over the process and continuous adjustment of various boiler and fuel parameters. Despite various attempts, there is currently no effective method globally for continuous measurement of this parameter.
This innovative approach involves integrating various measurement techniques with an intelligent algorithm. The system will measure parameters such as flow velocity, mixture density, electrostatic charge, and temperature. Based on these measurements, a suitable algorithm will be developed to enable the measurement of coal dust fineness.
Planned Outcomes:
The end result of the project will be an autonomous, real-time (online) monitoring system for coal dust fineness. Future application of this system in combustion process automation is expected to reduce fuel consumption in pulverized coal boilers and lower NOx emissions.
Project Value: PLN 1,186,135.64, including funding of PLN 1,186,135.64.

2017.06.01 - 2021.09.30
Innovative Wireless Communication System in Room-and-Pillar Workings in Underground Mining Facilities
Project co-financed/financed by the National Centre for Research and Development under the 3rd competition of the Joint Initiative for Supporting Scientific Research and Development Work for the Non-Ferrous Metals Industry (CuBR), implemented by the National Centre for Research and Development and KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
Title: “Innovative Wireless Communication System in Room-and-Pillar Workings in Underground Mining Facilities.”
The project concept is based on developing a comprehensive system solution to provide wireless communication in underground workings, with a particular focus on communication and data transmission in the operational front area of the room-and-pillar system. The proposed solution aims to enable radiotelephone and alarm-broadcast communication for mining fronts, mining machine transit routes, mechanical and mining chambers, and other hazardous areas where wired communication solutions are not feasible. This solution will ensure full radio coverage in the designated area of the workings through the use of wireless, autonomous (battery-powered) transceiver devices.
The data transmission in this new communication and data system, from the operational fronts to the surface, will be based on hybrid systems, combining both wireless and wired communication.
As part of the project, an innovative, integrated radiocommunication system will be developed to ensure communication, data transmission, and warning signals in room-and-pillar workings at the operational front. The proposed solution aims to establish a radiocommunication system functioning in those areas of the mine where wired communication solutions are not feasible.
Project Value: PLN 6,029,260, including funding of PLN 2,471,036.25.
The consortium includes:
- KGHM CUPRUM sp. z o.o.
- Centrum-Badawczo-Rozwojowe
- Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz –
- Instytut Technik Innowacyjnych EMAG
- Politechnika Śląska
- Sevitel sp. z o.o.

2017.03.01 - 2021.06.30
Personalization of Treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Children in Poland
The PersonALL
Project is co-financed/financed by the National Centre for Research and Development under the 3rd strategic competition of the research and development program “Prevention and Treatment of Civilization Diseases” STRATEGMED.
Title: “Personalization of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treatment in Children in Poland.”
The PersonALL project focuses on research into the molecular identification of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), the most common malignant tumor in children, with the aim of personalizing treatment. Planned state-of-the-art molecular studies aim to identify new prognostic factors. Research will also be conducted on new biomarkers in ALL, utilizing genomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics. Another objective of the project is to collect biological material for mass analyses (including cell banking and nucleic acid storage).
The overall outcome of the PersonALL project will be the development of innovative diagnostics for ALL in children, enabling more targeted therapy and potentially leading to improved treatment outcomes.
including funding of PLN 13,506,515.
The consortium includes:
- Medical University of Silesia in Katowice – Lead Partner
- Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG
- Medical University of Lodz
- Institute of Human Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences
- Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
- Ludwik Rydygier Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz
- Medical University of Lublin
- Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Piastów Śląskich we Wrocławiu
- Karol Marcinkowski Medical University in Poznań
- Medical University of Warsaw
- Medical University of Gdańsk
- Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin
- Medical University of Bialystok
- Netology sp. z o.o.

2017.03.01 - 2021.06.30
Mobile Seismic System for Ground Substrate Diagnostics of Road Routes
Agreement No. UOD-DEM-1-303/001. Project titled: “Mobile Seismic System for Ground Substrate Diagnostics of Road Routes” within the NCBR pilot program “Support for Scientific Research and Development Works on a Demonstrative Scale,” funded by national NCBR resources. The project is implemented in a consortium with the EMAG Technology Transfer Center as the lead partner and the Institute of Mineral and Energy Economy of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
PROJECT OBJECTIVE: The project aimed to develop the innovative SEISMOBILE mobile seismic system for diagnosing the ground substrate of road structures. The primary goal was to design a national mobile seismic system for ground substrate diagnostics of road routes. Compared to systems known worldwide, this system leverages the latest industrial technologies focused on innovative solutions for acquiring, collecting, and transmitting large volumes of seismic measurement data with high recording dynamics and a novel method of seismic wave excitation.
The outcome was a new mobile vibration source based on an additional Quad-type vehicle equipped with an optional vibrator or an automated hammer device, remotely synchronized with the central unit. This mobile system enabled precise positioning of the mobile measurement units using GPS technology.
PROJECT VALUE: PLN 5,938,523.00
FUNDING AMOUNT: PLN 5,288,543.00

2017.01.01 - 2019.06.30
Development of a New Type of Wireless Hybrid Sensor Network for Monitoring Vehicle and Pedestrian Movement, Including Data Transmission and Object Localization Algorithms
Project funded by the National Centre for Research and Development under the LIDER VII program.
Title: “Development of a New Type of Wireless Hybrid Sensor Network for Monitoring Vehicle and Pedestrian Movement, Including Data Transmission and Object Localization Algorithms” – BSHC
Agreement No.: LIDER/18/0064/L-7/15/NCBR/2016
Project Manager: Dr. Eng. Marcin Bernaś
The objective of the project is to develop a sensor network and autonomous modular nodes protected against external factors.
The developed network will enable data acquisition for traffic control systems or can operate autonomously to monitor and collect information on traffic flow and vehicle classification on individual traffic lanes.
PROJECT VALUE: PLN 1,181,735.00
including funding of PLN 1,181,735.00.

2017.01.01 - 2018.08.31
Innovative Digital Signal Transmitter Developed in SoC Technology in Line with the Open Hardware and Internet of Things Concept
Agreement No.: LIDER/26/0076/L-7/15/NCBR/2016
Project Title: “Innovative Digital Signal Transmitter Developed in SoC Technology in Line with the Open Hardware and Internet of Things Concept”
Funded by national resources from the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR).
The aim of the project is to develop a transmitter for digital signal broadcasting compatible with DVB-T, DVB-T2, DAB, DAB+, DMB, and HDRADIO standards within BAND III (174MHz – 240MHz). The proposed solution will follow the “Smart Device” concept, allowing for updates to the component responsible for digital signal processing at the programmable circuit level.
The anticipated outcome is the improvement of the implementation of new radio and television standards through:
- minimization of implementation costs;
- adaptability of the device to meet the needs and new services in broadcasting;
- flexibility through the ability to implement various solutions and projects from the open-source software family.
The project’s target audience includes all entities associated with the media market in Poland and worldwide.
PROJECT VALUE: PLN 1,179,048.91.
FUNDING AMOUNT: PLN 1,179,048.91.

2015.06.01 - 2018.01.31
Cinema for Everyone
Agreement No.: IS-2/110/NCBR/2015
Project Title: “Cinema for Everyone,” funded under the Social Innovations program by NCBR. The project is carried out in consortium with:
- Fundacją Siódmy Zmysł (the Seventh Sense Foundation ) – lead partner,
- Jagiellonian University,
- Maria Magdalena Gierat „Kino Pod Baranami”,
- Fundacja Na Rzecz Audiodeskrypcji „Katarynka” (“Katarynka” Foundation for Audio Description),
- Centrum Transferu Technologii EMAG Sp. z o.o.
The objective of the project is to develop a solution in the form of a comprehensive platform that enables the creation, publishing, and distribution of audio descriptions and audio captions using mobile devices. The platform will include:
- a publicly accessible application for Android and/or iOS mobile devices that allows users to listen to audio description tracks or audio captions on their own devices,
- an editor for preparing audio description (AD) and audio subtitle (AS) scripts,
- a service for publishing, managing, and sharing audio description scripts by cultural institutions
The expected outcome is the creation of a comprehensive AudioMovie system for creating and sharing audio descriptions and audio captions. This solution is designed to support the entire process, from creating, publishing, and distributing audio descriptions to providing convenient, direct access for all interested users without additional costs for specialized equipment.
The project also plans to develop a service (in the form of a portal or web service) for cultural institutions (such as cinemas, film festivals, museums, and galleries) and non-governmental organizations. This service will enable the publication and exchange of audio description scripts, allowing institutions to create their own audio-described materials, such as guides to their exhibitions or resources, and to share pre-prepared audio description tracks with a broad audience.
PROJECT VALUE: PLN 902,581.61.

2014.02.02 - 2016.12.31
Contemporary Art for Everyone
Agreement No.: IS-1/021/NCBR/2013
Project Title: “Contemporary Art for Everyone,” funded under the Social Innovations program by NCBR (National Centre for Research and Development). The project is carried out in consortium with:
- Jagiellonian University
- University of Warsaw
- Ośrodek Przetwarzania Informacji (Information Processing Centre)
- Fundacja Siódmy Zmysł
- National Museum in Krakow
- Polish-Japanese Academy
- of Information Technology
- National Museum in Warsaw
- Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow MOCAK
- Centrum Transferu Technologii EMAG Sp. z o.o.
The goal of the project was to create a globally innovative solution in the form of a multimedia guide application for mobile devices (smartphone and tablet) that provides access to artworks displayed in museums. This solution is designed to be accessible to both visually and hearing-impaired individuals, as well as able-bodied users from Poland and abroad.
The intended outcome was the creation of a prototype multimedia guide to contemporary artworks housed in the collections of the National Museum in Warsaw, the National Museum in Krakow, and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow (MOCAK). This guide was designed according to Universal Design principles, ensuring accessibility for all visitors, regardless of disability or language proficiency. The guide is available as an app for tablets and smartphones, offering content in audio format, Polish and English subtitles, Polish Sign Language (PJM), and multimedia formats.
PROJECT VALUE: PLN 1,009,603.00.

2013.10.01 - 2016.09.30
Integrated Framework Decision Support System for Monitoring Processes, Equipment, and Hazards
Project implemented under the 2nd Applied Research Program.
Agreement No.: PBS2/B9/20/2013
Title: “Integrated Framework Decision Support System for Monitoring Processes, Equipment, and Hazards” – DISESOR
The goal of the project was to develop a framework decision support system that, when equipped with domain knowledge and based on analysis of collected data, assists users of dispatch and monitoring systems in making critical decisions essential for the proper course of monitored processes. Another objective was to create an open and universal data repository integrating measurement data collected by various monitoring systems.
A decision support system for users of dispatch and monitoring systems.
Project Value: 3,463,087 PLN
Including Funding: 3,298,533 PLN
- Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG– LEADER
- Sevitel Sp. z o.o.
- University of Warsaw – Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics
- Silesian University of Technology – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

2013.01.01 - 2015.12.31
Low-Frequency Passive Seismic Tomography System for Monitoring Near-Surface Geological Layers
Agreement No.: PBS1/A2/13/2013
Project Title: “Low-Frequency Passive Seismic Tomography System for Monitoring Near-Surface Geological Layers,” funded under the Applied Research Program by NCBR. The project was carried out in consortium with the Institute of Mineral and Energy Economy of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the EMAG Technology Transfer Center.
The project aimed to develop an innovative low-frequency passive seismic tomography system for monitoring near-surface geological layers.
- a system enabling highly automated continuous measurements of vibration velocity in field conditions with appropriate dynamics in the low-frequency range, as well as the recording, processing, and subsequent interpretation of large datasets;
- a measurement system, developed and practically tested in field conditions as a technology demonstrator, capable of monitoring near-surface geological layers.
The project value: PLN 4,565,150.00.
The funding amount: PLN 4,400,000.00.
Consortium members:
- Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Technik Innowacyjnych EMAG
- Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią Polskiej Akademii Nauk
- Centrum Transferu Technologii EMAG Sp. z o.o.

2014.03.01 - 2017.02.28
Introduction of high-efficiency synchronous motors with permanent magnets for the drive of underground mining machinery.
Agreement No. PBS2/B4/10/2014. Project titled: “Introduction of high-efficiency synchronous motors with permanent magnets for the drive of underground mining machinery,” funded under the Applied Research Program by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR). The project was implemented in consortium with the Institute of Drives and Electrical Machines KOMEL and Dąbrowa Electric Machinery Factory DAMEL S.A.
The project aimed to introduce high-efficiency synchronous motors with permanent magnets to drive underground mining machinery and equipment, replacing the widely used squirrel-cage asynchronous motors.
The project aimed to develop modern flameproof drives equipped with synchronous motors with permanent magnets, powered by frequency converters with vector control in a superior multi-parameter control system
The project included simulation, model, and laboratory testing of selected machines, primarily for underground transportation.
The project value: PLN 2,349,401.00.
The funding amount: PLN 2,122,650.00.

2013.12.01 - 2016.11.30
Innovative methods and a system for assessing rockburst hazards based on probabilistic analysis of the fracturing process and online geotomography.
Agreement No. PBS2/B2/8/2013. Project titled: “Innovative methods and a system for assessing rockburst hazards based on probabilistic analysis of the fracturing process and online geotomography,” funded under the Applied Research Program by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR). The project was implemented in consortium with Centrum Transferu Technologii EMAG.
The goal of the project was to develop innovative methods and the INGEO intrinsically safe seismic system designed to assess rockburst hazards with features that existing systems did not possess. It was also intended to enable the simultaneous use of multiple complementary research methods to investigate the condition of the rock mass.
The result was a system enabling the use of new sensors and a multi-method assessment of rockburst hazard status based on:
- a method of continuous active tomography, supplemented by passive tomography,
- an extended and modified probabilistic analysis of the rock mass fracturing process compared to previously used methods,
- continuous recording of stress state changes using strain sensors and their correlation with tomography (map calibration) and the fracturing process,
- integration of geophysical and geodetic measurements to enable real-time analysis of hazards related to deformations and seismic events.
The project value: PLN 3,354,335.00.
The funding amount: PLN 3,116,734.00.
Consortium members:
- Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Technik Innowacyjnych EMAG
- Centrum Transferu Technologii EMAG Sp. z o.o.

2012.11.01 - 2015.10.31
Development of a mobile M1 category inspection platform with electric drives for explosion-hazard zones.
Agreement No. PBS1/A2/12/2013. Project titled: “Development of a mobile M1 category inspection platform with electric drives for explosion-hazard zones – MPI,” funded under the Applied Research Program by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR). The project was implemented in consortium with the Industrial Institute for Automation and Measurements (PIAP).
The goal of the project was to develop a demonstrator of the Mobile Inspection Platform (MPI) with an M1 category electric drive, dedicated to explosion-hazard zones in coal mines.
The result of this project was a mobile vehicle equipped with sensors for measuring the physicochemical parameters of the mine atmosphere, visible and infrared cameras, a battery pack, and electric drives with dual M1 category protections.
The project value: PLN 3,900,000.00.
Funding amount: PLN 3,900,000.00.
Consortium members:
- Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Technik Innowacyjnych EMAG
- Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów PIAP

2012.12.19 - 2018.05.18
Ground Security System at the Central Air Force Training Range in Ustka
Project funded by the National Centre for Research and Development for national defense and security purposes.
Implemented by a consortium comprising the Air Force Institute of Technology (ITWL), Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG (EMAG), the Military University of Technology (WAT), and Sevitel Ltd. in Katowice.
Title: “Ground Security System at the Central Air Force Training Range in Ustka” covering selected key facilities/locations on the training range – Ustka
Contract Number: DOBR/0049/R/ID2/2012/03
Project Manager: Wiesław Buler
The main objective of the project is to design and implement a ground security system at the Central Air Force Training Range in Ustka, covering selected key facilities and locations, including: designated firing positions, access roads to firing positions, the CPSP Command Post, the Command Post for Exercising Troops, the Command and Observation Point, and the primary communication routes of the training range.
The system will provide:
- data collection, processing, handling, and distribution at the training range’s Command Post (CP),
- the recording of activities of combat vehicle crews (CV), missile guidance stations (MGS), and other anti-aircraft systems during live-fire exercises at the training range, along with time-based analysis of event sequences,
- the primary purpose of recording is to analyze the conduct of combat operations directly at the firing position, focusing on compliance with safety requirements for exercising troops,
- the secondary purpose is to assess the skill level of crews in terms of speed and accuracy in executing specific tasks according to the methodology of combat operations at a given position.
- monitoring of combat operations through an external camera system,
- secure and uninterrupted communication within the training range’s safety network (protection), as well as monitoring through cameras and a system of seismic detectors at control points on the range’s roads,
- 24/7 detection of intruders, whether personnel or vehicles, in the vicinity of monitored facilities, with the capability to identify humans and vehicles, as well as tracking moving vehicles along access roads.
The system will enhance the attractiveness of the Ustka training range, bringing material benefits by enabling greater use of the Central Air Force Training Range in Ustka by training troops, including foreign (NATO) forces.
The implementation of the ground security system, including seismic monitoring, will enable:
- enhanced safety for training troops at the range,
- recording the activities of training troops to monitor and analyze the safety of live-fire exercises,
- data collection, recording, processing, and distribution at the safety post,
- enhanced safety within troop assembly areas, access roads within the range, and at firing positions.
Equipping the Central Air Force Training Range (CPSP) with modern telecommunication infrastructure will allow for the future integration of other security systems—naval, aerial, and objective firing assessment—into a unified system. This integration will enhance the safety of combat missions and increase the effectiveness of combat training. Ultimately, a comprehensive modernization of CPSP will enable experimental undertakings, such as testing new types of weapons and military equipment, providing swift and objective assessment of test results. This may also support the commercial use of the range, including by foreign military forces.
including funding of PLN 25,382,700.
Completed European projects

2019.07.01 - 2022.10.31
Sustainable exploitation of post-mining waste heaps
Project title: Sustainable Exploitation of Post-Mining Waste Heaps
The objective of the SUMAD project is to develop methods for the revitalization of post-mining waste heaps based on knowledge and experiences from various EU countries. Addressing the challenges of heap revitalization requires collaboration among experts in multiple fields: geotechnics, sustainable development, environmental protection, risk management that considers social and economic aspects, and long-term management of these areas.
Advanced methods and tools for risk management, monitoring of previously revitalized sites, and physical and numerical modeling will be utilized to develop sustainable revitalization schemes, with a particular focus on technical feasibility for renewable energy infrastructure development on these sites. Input data for the project will be provided by site operators, businesses, and authoritative bodies to ensure their substantial impact on the project outcomes. Several sites will be prepared to validate the project’s results.
The goal of the SUMAD project is to determine methods for optimizing post-mining waste management. This goal will be achieved through the following actions:
- identification and characterization of post-mining waste heaps in Europe based on established criteria, and selection of specific areas for project use case implementation;
- geotechnical and environmental assessment of selected heaps;
- identification of potential revitalization activities in collaboration with key stakeholders;
- assessment of social, economic, and political constraints related to heap revitalization;
- development of a methodology for physical modeling of waste materials;
- development and testing of systems for selected heaps;
- selection and refinement of a model to simulate waste material behavior;
- validation of a numerical modeling tool and use of the model to examine the impact of site-specific parameters;
- investigation of soil revitalization techniques that will enable the installation of more sensitive monitoring equipment on the heaps;
- development of site monitoring techniques;
- development of a global risk management tool based on information gathered in the project;
introduction of the concept of reliability in the geotechnical sense, considering the diverse behavior of waste material to achieve a more accurate geotechnical risk assessment.
The primary outcomes of the project will be:
- Acquired knowledge on the revitalization processes of studied post-mining sites, applicable on a broader European scale
- A map of post-mining waste sites along with their characteristics
- Selected methods for site monitoring
- Numerical models of soil
- Identified properties of waste materials through simulation studies, physical testing, and long-term site monitoring
- Developed methods for improving the properties of waste material to expand its usability
- Tools that enable precise assessment of geotechnical risk.
- An advanced risk management tool designed to support decision-making in the revitalization process.
- Information exchange and collaboration with stakeholders: business owners, facility operators, local residents, academic researchers, regulatory authorities, etc.
The project participants include:
University of Nottingham (UON) – coordinator, and partners: “Poltegor-Instytut” Open Pit Mining Institute (POLTEGOR); Výzkumný ústav pro hnědé uhlí a.s. (VUHU); Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH); INSTITUT NATIONAL DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT INDUSTRIEL ET DES RISQUES (INERIS); Institute of Mining Technology (KOMAG); Łukasiewicz – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG; Central Mining Institute (GIG); Public Power Corporation (PPC); Lubelski Węgiel BOGDANKA SA (LWB).

2017.07.01 - 2020.12.31
Information-driven support for planning and managing incident response (Information Driven Incident Response)
The project titled: “Information-driven support for planning and managing incident response (Information Driven Incident Response)”, acronym: “INDIRES”, is funded under the RFCS-2016 – EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel, based on a contract with the European Commission, GRANT AGREEMENT No. 748632, as well as from research funds allocated by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) for the implementation of an internationally co-financed project.
The aim of the INDIRES project is to research technologies and develop solutions that enable the collection and exchange of information during the planning and execution of rescue operations following major incidents in underground coal mines, which may pose risks to personnel safety and the operational continuity of the mining facility. This objective is to be achievable even in the event of the destruction of power and communication networks and limited access to key areas of the mine, for instance, due to rock collapse.
Specifically, within the INDIRES project, the following will be developed and tested:
- Innovative, resilient communication methods.
- Data collection tools – sensors and unmanned vehicles.
Innovative mechanical solutions. - Computer simulations of incident consequences.
- Hardware and software tools supporting rescue operations.
The aim of the tasks undertaken by the EMAG Institute within the project will be:
- Development of an electric transport platform for rescue operations.
- Development of simulations of incident effects on the environment and infrastructure.
- Development of a power and control system for a drill rig with innovative torque control.
- Conducting field tests of the developed solutions.
As a result of the part of the project involving the EMAG Institute, the following outcomes are expected:
- Development of an electric transport platform for rescue operations.
- A computer simulation of the effects of incidents on the environment and the infrastructure of the mining facility.
- Development.
PROJECT VALUE: EUR 3,139,998.90.
Consortium members:
- University Of Exeter,
- Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG,
- Instytut Technik Innowacyjnych EMAG,
- Politechnika Śląska,
- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid,
- Główny Instytut Górnictwa,
- Premgovnik Velenje DD,
- DMT GmbH&Co. KG,
- Polska Grupa Górnicza sp. z o.o.

2017.07.01 - 2020.09.30
Reduction of risks associated with harmful effects of coal dust (Reducing risks from occupational exposure to coal dust).
The project titled: “Reduction of risks associated with harmful effects of coal dust (Reducing risks from occupational exposure to coal dust),” acronym: “ROCD,” is funded under the RFCS-2016 – EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel, based on a contract with the European Commission, No. 754205 – ROCD – RFCS-2016, as well as from research funds allocated by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) for the implementation of an internationally co-financed project.
The aim of the ROCD project is to conduct research on the analysis and prevention of dust hazards concerning health risks, with a particular focus on:
- Development of integrated methods and tools for analyzing and continuously monitoring dust hazards based on data from newly developed devices that monitor the physicochemical and toxicological properties of dust.
- Development of algorithms for analyzing and continuously monitoring dust concentration that consider a much wider range of parameters compared to previous models, including humidity, toxicological parameters, mining methods, and ventilation.
- Development of fast and precise methods for physicochemical characterization of the smallest dust fractions.
Development of fast and precise methods for toxicological characterization of the smallest dust fractions. - Evaluation of the effectiveness of currently used dust reduction methods concerning the smallest dust fractions.
- Development of a real-time dust concentration monitoring system.
- Development of intelligent air-water curtains, controlled based on continuous dust concentration measurements, to optimize dust suppression while reducing energy and water consumption.
- Development of training materials for employers, employees, and legislators.
- Provision of consulting services and implementation of modern training methods for predicting and preventing dust hazards.
The aim of the tasks undertaken by the EMAG Institute within the project will be:
- Determination of the needs and scope of experimental research.
- New technological solutions for continuous monitoring and mitigation of dust hazards.
- Training and informational activities.
- Participation in the development of e-learning modules.
As a result of the part of the project involving the EMAG Institute, the following outcomes are expected:
- Improved methods for assessing the impact of coal dust on worker health, more efficient dust reduction systems, and recommendations for respiratory protection measures.
- A modern device for real-time dust concentration monitoring in high-dust environments.
- Development of e-learning modules, publications, presentations, and training workshops.
Consortium members:
- University of Exeter
- Główny Instytut Górnictwa
- Instytut Techniki Górniczej
- Premogovnik Velenje DD
- DMT GmbH & Co. KG
- Universitaetsklinikum Freiburg
- Spanish National Research Council
- Polska Grupa Górnicza (PGG – Polish Mining Group)
- Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A.

2011.02.01 - 2014.01.31
Optimization of safeguards – decision support based on cost-benefit analysis
Project title and agreement number for the project, Valuesec: “Optimization of Safeguards – Decision Support Based on Cost-Benefit Analysis,” implemented under the 7th Framework Programme – Grant Agreement No. 261742, dated January 17, 2011.
The development of project products and the knowledge gained regarding their proper application aim to optimize the investment process in security, providing end-users with various benefits, such as investment savings, increased investment profitability, improved personal security, support in developing long-term security strategies, the ability to select options based on clearly defined metrics, assistance in prioritization and planning, facilitation of acceptance of specific solutions, as well as improved image and trust.
Based on the research results, assumptions for the method and tool were developed. A tool was designed based on the adopted cost-benefit analysis method. After the implementation phase, the method and tool underwent validation through case studies in various application areas, represented by consortium partners with “end-user” status, for whom the project products are intended. The validation results led to a revision of the proposed method and tool to develop commercial versions of the project products, which were disseminated following the principles and plan established within the project.
The project was focused on meeting the needs in application areas where security is a critical issue, such as: citizen protection, crisis management, public administration, healthcare, banking and insurance, and critical infrastructure protection – including energy, telecommunications, and transportation.
The development of project products and the knowledge gained regarding their proper application aim to optimize the investment process in security, providing end-users with various benefits, such as investment savings, increased investment profitability, enhanced personal security, support in developing long-term security strategies, the ability to select options based on clearly defined metrics, assistance in prioritization and planning, facilitation of acceptance of specific solutions, and improvement of image and trust.
Throughout the project, extensive knowledge was gathered on the application of methods and tools for decision support in security investments.
PROJECT VALUE: EUR 4,473,885.00.
Consortium members:
- Fraunhofer Institute for Factory
- Operation and Automation IFF
- VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
- CESS GmbH Centre for European Security Strategies
- Peace Research Institute Oslo
University of Stavanger - ATOS ORIGIN
- White Cyber Knight Ltd
- Valencia´s Local Police Department

2012.07.02 - 2014.12.31
Advanced tools for ventilation control and methane emission monitoring
The project titled: “Advanced Tools for Ventilation Control and Methane Emission Monitoring,” acronym: “AVENTO,” is funded under the RFCS – EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel, based on a contract with the European Commission, No. RFCR-CT-2012-00004, and from research funds allocated by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) for the years 2011-2014 for the implementation of an internationally co-financed project.
The project aimed to develop advanced tools for improving the control of ventilation networks in coal mines to enhance workplace safety by better controlling methane emissions and climate conditions, optimizing ventilation airflow, and reducing energy consumption and maintenance costs.
The planned work covered various aspects of this issue but primarily focused on developing new concepts for monitoring and control systems and advanced methods for dynamically regulating airflow according to actual needs. Research included modeling, hardware, and software, as well as significant experimental work conducted in underground mines and testing institutions.
Innovative methane hazard monitoring system for the extraction face.
Method for stabilizing methane concentration in the ventilation air of the extraction face, taking into account the relationship between ventilation methane levels and degasification output.
PROJECT VALUE: EUR 3,268,736.00.
Consortium members:
- Asociación para la Investigación y el DesarrolloIndustrial de los Recursos Naturales AITEMIN
- DMT GmbH & Co. KG
- Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Technik Innowacyjnych EMAG
- Główny Instytut Górnictwa GIG
- Hulleras del Norte S.A.
- Kompania Węglowa S.A.
- The University of Nottingham

2011.01.01 - 2013.06.30
Minimizing the risk of occurrence and reducing the effects of fire and explosion hazards in underground coal mining
The project titled: “Minimizing the Risk and Mitigating the Effects of Fire and Explosion Hazards in Underground Coal Mining,” acronym: “MINFIREX,” is funded under the RFCS – EU Research Fund for Coal and Steel, based on a contract with the European Commission, No. RFCR-CT-2010-00005, and from research funds allocated by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) for the years 2010-2013 for the implementation of an internationally co-financed projec
The aim of the project was to minimize the risk of occurrence and reduce the impacts of fires and explosions in coal mines, with particular focus on:
- Development of fire and explosion prevention strategies.
- Development of innovative measurement tools for detecting fires and other hazardous atmospheres.
- Development of methods for combating endogenous fires.
- Development of an innovative active protection system against fires and explosions.
The aim of the tasks undertaken by the EMAG Institute within the project was:
- Development of a method for continuous dust monitoring in the outlet zone of the extraction face and an algorithm for determining the critical saturation of a coal-rock dust mixture with coal dust.
- Development of mathematical models for time profiles of carbon monoxide concentration from various sources of this gas.
- Development of a prediction and alarm signaling method for detecting signs of endogenous fires.
- Development of a hardware-software module for monitoring CO concentration changes and identifying CO emission sources using wireless communication technology.
As a result of the part of the project involving the EMAG Institute, the following outcomes were achieved:
- A method for continuous dust monitoring in the outlet zone of the extraction face.
- An algorithm for determining the critical saturation of a coal-rock dust mixture with coal dust.
- A carbon monoxide concentration sensor with radio transmission.
- PMCO module for identifying CO emission sources and alarming in fire hazard situations..
PROJECT VALUE: 2,554,212.00 EUR.
Consortium members:
- DMT GmbH & Co. KG
- Asociacion para la Investigacion y el Desarrollo Industrial de los Recursos Naturales
- Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Technik Innowacyjnych EMAG
- Mines Rescue Service Ltd.
- Instytut Techniki Górniczej KOMAG
- UK Coal Mining Ltd.
- Hulleras del Norte, S.A.