Łukasiewicz – EMAG invites you to participate in the city game “From Industry to Science”

ydzień Wiedzy Przygoda w mieście - Gra edukacyjna 1 - 5 lipca 2024 Cel gry: Zapoznanie uczestników z historią i rozwojem Katowic na przestrzeni ostatnich 300 lat. Wzajemna integracja i rywalizacja uczestników poprzez zabawę i rozwiązywanie zagadek. Miejsce gry: Śródmieście, Zadole, Bogucice, Ligota, Nikiszowiec. Uczestnicy poruszają się pieszo lub komunikacją miejską. Przebieg gry: Gra odbywa się na terenie Katowic w pięciu wybranych lokalizacjach. Uczestnicy rozwiązują zagadki edukacyjne i zdobywają punkty. Gra kończy się uroczystym podsumowaniem i wręczeniem nagród dla najlepszych drużyn. Dla kogo: Gra jest przeznaczona dla wszystkich zainteresowanych, niezależnie od wieku. Mogą w niej uczestniczyć zarówno mieszkańcy Katowic, jak i turyści. Liczba uczestników: W grze może wziąć udział dowolna liczba osób. Uczestnicy mogą tworzyć drużyny, co sprzyja integracji i wspólnej zabawie. Czas trwania: Zależy od tempa i zaangażowania uczestników.


Łukasiewicz – EMAG invites you on an adventure in the city.
From 1 to 7 July, the institute invites all interested parties to participate in the city game “From Industry to Science”. This game is a unique opportunity to discover Katowice in an unusual way, combining the city’s industrial past with its contemporary face as a center of science and technology.

The game board becomes the city space of Katowice. Participants will have the chance to travel through time, visiting both historical sites that have disappeared and modern scientific and technological centers that shape the city’s development. The game route includes the center of Katowice and Bogucice.

The objective of the game is to obtain the final password and reach the ending point of the game. To discover the password, participants must visit all designated points on the route, completing tasks at each one. Tasks may involve entering a name, date, or reading information from an informational board.

The game is addressed to all interested. Surprises await participants who complete the entire route, correctly solving all tasks!

The game takes place as part of the “Katowice City of Science” initiative.
To participate in the game, you need to take the game card available at Kato Science Corner, at Młyńska 2 Street in Katowice and read the regulations and agree to them.

We cordially invite you to participate in the city game “From Industry to Science.” This is a unique opportunity for learning, fun, and discovering Katowice from a new perspective.

GAME CARD – Download


  1. The organizer of the city game “From Industry to Science” (hereinafter also referred to as: “Game”) is the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG, located in Katowice at 31 Leopolda Street (hereinafter referred to as: Organizer).
  2. The game is organized as part of the European City of Science.
  3. The game “from industry to science” is organized from July 1, 2024 to July 7, 2024.
  4. The game is open to individuals who arrive at the start of the Game at Kato Science Corner, where players collect a printed A3 task card, thereby accepting these Rules and committing to comply with them.
  5. The game is single-player with no age restrictions.
  6. The information clause regarding data processing is attached as Appendix 1 to these rules.
  7. Detailed rules of the Game determined by the Organizer are available on the website at: https://emag.lukasiewicz.gov.pl/, as well as at Kato Science Corner and the Organizer’s headquarters.
  8. There are no restrictions on the number of participants who can take part in the Game, nor are there any time restrictions for completing the task (but no later than July 5, 2024, at 4:00 PM).
  9. Each person participating in the game “From Industry to Science” should be in good health, allowing participation in the Game.
  10. Participants, by joining the Game, take full legal and civil responsibility for their behavior throughout the Game. In the case of minors, responsibility for such a person rests with the parents/guardians.
  11. The Organizer is not responsible for accidents during the Game. The Organizer is not responsible for the behavior of the participants of the Game and the resulting consequences, including temporary or permanent health damage and fatal accidents. The Organizer is not responsible for random incidents occurring during the Game.
  12. The organizers are not responsible for the behavior of the participants of the Game that may disturb public order or infringe on the personal rights of third parties.
  13. Every minor participating in the Game must be accompanied by a guardian responsible for their safety during the Game.
  14. Participation in the Game is free of charge.
  15. The game takes place in normal city traffic. During the Game, participants are required to strictly follow traffic regulations and exercise due caution.
  16. The organizers may deny a participant the right to start the Game if they determine that the participant is under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants.
  17. Each participant of the Game who solves all the puzzles and reaches the finish line will receive a gift from the Organizer.
  18. The regulations are available for inspection at the Organizer’s headquarters, Kato Science Corner, and on the website at: https://emag.lukasiewicz.gov.pl/.
  19. In matters concerning the course of the Game, not provided for in these Rules, as well as in the interpretation of these Rules, the deciding vote belongs to the Organizer.
  20. The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the Rules for important reasons.
  21. The game is not a gambling game within the meaning of the Act of November 19, 2009, on gambling (i.e., Journal of Laws of 2023, item 227).

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