Cybersecurity in the Era of Digital Transformation. We invite you to a discussion panel.

Zapraszamy na panel dyskusyjny „Cyberbezpieczeństwo w dobie cyfrowej transformacji”! 2 lipca 13:00 - 15:00 Kato Science Corner, ul. Młyńska 2, Katowice Omówimy standardy, certyfikacje i bezpieczeństwo systemów teleinformatycznych. Zaprezentowane zostanie pierwsze w Polsce Akredytowane Laboratorium dla systemów przemysłowych i IoT. Do zobaczenia! #Cyberbezpieczeństwo #KatowiceMiastoNauki #IoT #Technologia


Łukasiewicz – EMAG invites you to the discussion panel “Cybersecurity in the Era of Digital Transformation,” which will take place as part of the Katowice – City of Science initiative on July 2 at the Kato Science Corner headquarters, located at Młyńska Street in Katowice.

During the meeting, standards, certifications, and the security of telecommunication systems will be discussed. The first Accredited Laboratory for industrial and IoT systems in Poland will also be presented.

We will also explore the latest challenges related to data protection in the era of automation and see how to protect control systems, robotics, and IoT solutions.

The meeting will be a great opportunity to expand your knowledge and network with experts.

We invite you to join us.

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