National projects

National projects in progress

2024.10.01 - 2025.03.31


Support and optimization model of therapy with autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) – PLASMA

Key project elements:

  • Conducting comprehensive technological analyses aimed at optimizing the communication environment between medical facilities/doctors and PRP therapy patients, including defining the functional, visual, and technical characteristics of such solutions.
  • Development of algorithms for the pilot project of the PRP Therapy Hybrid System, optimizing PRP therapy processes, incorporating state-of-the-art solutions in machine learning and artificial intelligence.
  • Preparation of demonstration materials and a prototype of the PRP Therapy Hybrid System.

Project outcomes:

The project outcomes are focused on developing an innovative global information and communication solution:

  • A modern interactive tool for “patient-doctor-science” communication.
  • Distribution of knowledge about the effects of PRP therapy from real treatments among patients and doctors.
  • Support for doctors and patients in optimizing the outcomes of PRP therapy.
  • The world’s largest database on the effects of PRP therapy from real treatments.

Project participants:

  • Implementation: PRP Analytics Sp. z o.o. and the Łukasiewicz Research Network – EMAG Institute of Innovative Technologies.
  • Benefits for society and the economy: patients interested in PRP therapies, as well as medical facilities and doctors using PRP therapies.

Total project cost: 366,294 PLN, with 253,130 PLN contributed by European Funds.

Flaga i godło z orłem

2021.10.01 - 2024.12.31


Safe hydrogen gas tank dedicated to vehicles – MAWO

Safe hydrogen gas tank dedicated to vehicles – MAWO

Form of financing: targeted grant

As part of the Polish Hydrogen Strategy, work is underway to build the infrastructure for the production, transportation, and use of hydrogen as an emission-free fuel in vehicles. An essential element of this infrastructure is the hydrogen pressure tank. The project will develop a design methodology and technology for the production of a Type IV tank. This will enable Łukasiewicz Institutes to build competencies, transfer technology to domestic manufacturers, and create a competitive offering compared to foreign suppliers.

The project is being carried out in a consortium.

  • Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation – Leader
  • Łukasiewicz Research Network – Automotive Industry Institute
  • Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Electrical Engineering
  • Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Polymer Materials and Dyes Engineering
  • Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics
  • Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG
flaga i godło z orłem

2021.10.01 - 2025.09.30


The Closed-Loop Water System in a Hydrogen Energy Installation – WODOWO

The Closed-Loop Water System in a Hydrogen Energy Installation – WODOWO

The project’s goal is to develop a water preparation system of the appropriate quality for powering the electrolyzer.

To verify the water preparation system, the project plans to build a laboratory-scale hydrogen installation. The electrolyzer’s power will not exceed 1 kW, and the tank capacity will be approximately 50 liters. The system will be equipped with a hydrogen fuel cell and hydrogen sensors

Conducting a risk analysis for the planned hydrogen technological installation will help identify potential safety and health hazards, eliminate them in the future, and verify the installation in accordance with applicable safety standards.

The project is being carried out in a consortium.

  • Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute for Sustainable Technologies – Leader
  • Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Electrical Engineering
  • Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Metali Nieżelaznych
  • Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG
Flaga i godło z orłem

2021.12.08 - 2024.06.30


Development of interinstitutional technologies for the aggregation, processing, and visualization of statistical data from public institutions. EDUCATION+

Development of interinstitutional technologies for the aggregation, processing, and visualization of statistical data from public institutions. EDUCATION+

The goal of the task is to develop an interinstitutional system for the aggregation, processing, validation, and visualization of statistical data from public finance sector institutions and international organizations.

Project value/funding: 10,000,000 PLN

Logo NCBiR, Flaga dwukolorowa (Polski), Godło z orłem.

2021.06.01 - 2024.09.31


Cybersecurity Assessment and Certification System – Lightweight Certification Programs

Cybersecurity Assessment and Certification System – Lightweight Certification Programs

The project is funded by the National Centre for Research and Development under the Cybersecurity and Digital Identity Program – CyberSecIdent.

Title: “Cybersecurity Assessment and Certification System – Lightweight Certification Programs.”

The CyberBEAM project is a joint initiative of two scientific institutions:
The Research and Academic Computer Network – National Research Institute (NASK) – Leader, and the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG.

Contract number: CYBERSECIDENT/489595/IV/NCBR/2021

The objective of the project is to expand the activities of NASK-PIB and Łukasiewicz-EMAG in the field of cybersecurity compliance assessment and certification, specifically:

  • the development and implementation of a lightweight Cybersecurity Assessment and Certification System;
  • development and implementation of Fast Cybersecurity Assessment and Certification Programs in the areas of IoT, IIoT, Data Centers/Cloud Computing, and Industrial Automation Control Systems (IACS);
  • expansion of Łukasiewicz-EMAG Laboratories to conduct compliance testing for the IIoT and IACS sectors;
  • extension of NASK-PIB’s compliance assessment activities to include the production of reference materials and the organization of proficiency testing;
  • launch of compliance assessment and certification services based on the developed Certification Programs.

The lightweight cybersecurity assessment and certification system “CyberBEAM” will be compatible with other lightweight systems, such as CSPN in France, BSZ in Germany, and LINCE in Spain, and will be prepared to provide services under European Certification Programs.


The lightweight certification and security assessment programs developed in the project will comply with the CSA regulation and Annex 2 of the NIS Directive. Compliance tests will be conducted at the security levels BASIC, SUBSTANTIAL, and HIGH, as defined in the CSA. The launch of the new lightweight certification programs will enhance cybersecurity in the considered sectors, raise awareness of threats among operators and integrators, and serve as a means to minimize risks and mitigate the effects of incidents.
Additionally, the creation of a cooperation network and Proficiency Testing Programs will contribute to an increase in the number of experts in the field, boosting national capabilities in cybersecurity.

Logo NCBiR, flaga dwukolrowowa (Polski) godło z orłem

2021.07.01 - 2024.06.30


Development of a tool dedicated to protecting users, systems, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices based on machine learning and behavioral analysis

Development of a tool dedicated to protecting users, systems, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices based on machine learning and behavioral analysis.

The project is funded by the National Centre for Research and Development under the Cybersecurity and Digital Identity Program – CyberSecIdent.

Title: “Development of a tool dedicated to protecting users, systems, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices based on machine learning and behavioral analysis.”

The SPINET project is a joint initiative of three institutions

  • Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG – Leader
  • EFIGO Limited Liability Company (LLC).
  • QED Software Limited Liability Company (LLC).

Contract number: CYBERSECIDENT/489240/IV/NCBR/2021

Project Manager from the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Innovative Technologies EMAG: Marcin Michalak
From EFIGO Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością: Oliver Woźny
From QED Software Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością: Antoni Jamiołkowski


The goal of the project is to create a system for continuous security monitoring across a wide range of IoT devices (based on Android and Linux systems), with a particular focus on devices used for remote monitoring of gas, water, heat, and electricity networks. The solution includes a central SOC (Security Operations Center) operating in a SaaS model and dedicated monitoring software (Agent) for IoT devices. The Agent’s task is to collect and aggregate data and send it to the SOC, where security analyses are performed using machine learning algorithms. These results are then sent back to the Agent.

The SOC identifies new threats and informs the Agent, which will take protective actions, identify new threat signatures, and notify other Agents. The Agents will have the functionality to verify the system status based on existing signatures and will take action upon detecting a threat. The SOC will manage vulnerabilities by prioritizing them. Expert vulnerability assessment conducted in the SOC will enable more efficient use of information in machine learning algorithms. Experts will cyclically and incrementally evaluate both historical and incoming threats, allowing the fine-tuning of machine learning algorithms and the verification of existing threats and anomalies.

The project particularly aims to prepare the system for implementation, ready for installation and deployment on devices equipped with ARM family processors. An important aspect of the project is the development of a solution that guarantees low power consumption, ensuring applicability in devices powered by low voltage or batteries, and enabling the use of passive cooling systems.


  • Enhancing the security of service continuity for systems using connected devices (e.g., smart metering services).
  • Increased trust of end users in IoT devices.
  • Increase in the number of IoT device deployments.
  • Enhanced security in preventing sensitive data leaks, thereby avoiding penalties associated with such incidents.
  • Increased security level in protection against “zero-day attacks.”
  • Early detection of unauthorized data transmission attempts and early identification of attacks aimed at destabilizing devices and data theft.
  • Reducing the risk of uncontrolled remote manipulation of IoT devices.
  • Reducing the risk of IoT devices being used in botnet networks.

Available Datasets
ICPRAM2023 (

Project value: PLN 5,675,433.69, including funding: PLN 5,060,266.00
Funding for Łukasiewicz – EMAG: PLN 2,029,492.00

Logo Agencja Badań Medycznych

2020.06.23 - 2026.06.21

CALL-POL (Childhood ALL in Poland)

National harmonization of diagnostics and treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children.

National harmonization of diagnostics and treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children.

Childhood ALL in Poland (cALL-POL) project: national harmonization of diagnostics and treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children – Every year in Poland, over 1,100 children are diagnosed with cancer. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common malignant cancer in children.

CALL-POL is a clinical research project aimed at including all children in Poland newly diagnosed with ALL. The coordinating institution (Medical University of Łódź) will form a consortium with the Medical University of Silesia, Medical University of Lublin, and Łukasiewicz Research Network – EMAG Institute of Innovative Technologies in Katowice, which will jointly conduct nationwide controlled clinical trials involving the treatment of children with leukemia in Poland. For this purpose, all Polish pediatric oncology centers, totaling 16 hospitals, are clinical partners in the project. The CALL-POL consortium will be connected to the iBFM network, which is the world’s largest international clinical research network for leukemia and lymphoma in children. The cost of the study is over 28 million PLN, fully funded by the Medical Research Agency

The main goal of the CALL-POL project is to facilitate access to the latest therapies for Polish children suffering from acute leukemia. The proposed therapies will be available to all children in Poland. Treatment options will be identified using advanced and state-of-the-art molecular diagnostic tools.

The study group will consist of children diagnosed with ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) from all pediatric oncology centers in Poland. Based on incidence rates, approximately 550-600 children are expected to be included in the study, with an average observation period of around 46 months. Diagnostic procedures will be standardized through centralized molecular and genetic analysis of leukemia cells, allowing for treatment methods to be tailored individually for each patient. Additionally, therapy adjustments will be based on the response to treatment, which will be monitored by identifying even single leukemia cells in the bone marrow (measurement of minimal residual disease – MRD). These studies will also rely on unique molecular biology and genetic technologies.

Funding from the Medical Research Agency will allow the use of modern drugs (blinatumomab, bortezomib, ruxolitinib), which are molecularly targeted and tailored individually to each patient. This will likely be the most advanced method of leukemia treatment in the world. The goal of this therapeutic approach is to increase the cure rate for childhood leukemia to around 95%.

In summary, CALL-POL will introduce modern diagnostic methods and molecularly targeted therapies. The experience gained through CALL-POL will improve treatment outcomes for children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, not only in Poland but also worldwide.

Total project cost: 28,123,231.18 PLN, funding for EMAG: 1,755,169.29 PLN.

Logo Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki, Flaga dwukolorowa (Polski), godło z orłem w koronie

2023.04.01 - 2024.12.31


Technological support aimed at reducing educational exclusion of foreigners (with a special focus on repatriates) and educational institutions, in the context of enabling faster adaptation of newcomers.

Technological support aimed at reducing educational exclusion of foreigners (with a special focus on repatriates) and educational institutions, in the context of enabling faster adaptation of newcomers.

Technological support aimed at reducing educational exclusion of foreigners (with a special focus on repatriates) and educational institutions, in the context of enabling faster adaptation of newcomers. The goal of the task is to identify the key barriers, needs, plans, and challenges faced by individuals considering establishing their life in Poland, who are participating or planning to participate in the Polish educational system.

The task aims to enable deeper integration of newcomers into Polish society and to prevent their exclusion (primarily in education). The outcome of the research efforts will include, in addition to identifying needs, the creation of a portal to support users (foreigners and repatriates) in meeting key needs identified during the study. This portal will at least provide essential information on how to handle key matters related to the adaptation of people wishing to settle in Poland.

Implementation period: 04.2023 to 12.2024.

Logo Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki, Flaga dwukolorowa (Polski), godło z orłem w koronie

2022.04.01 - 2024.03.31


Sensory Experience Laboratory (Laboratorium Doświadczeń Sensorycznych)

Task title: “Sensory Experience Laboratory” – Acronym: “SON”
Agreement signed on April 19, 2022.

The main goal of the Sensory Experience Laboratory project is to promote science in the area of solutions aimed at preventing the social exclusion of people with disabilities and to disseminate information and knowledge about modern technological solutions developed by Łukasiewicz – EMAG. The Laboratory is an initiative focused on organizing workshops, during which spaces with exhibits in the form of workstations will be made available. These workstations will present solutions for people with disabilities. The solutions are characterized by modern formats that allow participants to engage with culture and science. The Laboratory aims to showcase these different types of solutions to people with disabilities and the elderly, and, most importantly, to raise awareness and knowledge among young people, as well as to foster societal integration in this area and break down barriers related to disabilities.
The organization of a series of workshops with accessible workstations filling the Laboratory space will enable learning and public education on the issue of disability and social exclusion. An additional way of disseminating information on this topic will be a dedicated website, as well as presentations, posters, and open publications available to users and the scientific community, such as in industry journals and at conferences. The topics of disability and social exclusion are important scientific and social issues, and the dissemination of knowledge on these subjects should reach not only scientists but, above all, the wider society.

Start date: 01.04.2022
End date: 31.03.2024
Targeted grant amount: 300,000.00 PLN

2022.12.01 - 2026.11.30

The project “Europe’s Rail Flagship Project 4 – Sustainable and Green Rail Systems” aims to create a more attractive and resilient mode of transport and contribute to achieving the goals of European policies on sustainable transport.

Logo Ministerstwo Rodziny i polityki Społecznej  i  Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki

2023.01.01 - 2024.06.30


Wireless workstation monitoring system for employees with biometric parameter measurement.

Logos: Two-color flag (Poland), Emblem with crowned eagle, NCBiR, CiOP

Title: Wireless workstation monitoring system for employees with biometric parameter measurement, implemented as part of the multi-year program entitled Government Program for Improving Safety and Working Conditions – Stage VI, implementation period: 2023–2025, Part B – in the field of scientific research and development works, under Agreement No. PP-19/2023/PW-PN regarding project funding, dated 06.10.2023.

Project objective: development of a system for locating individuals inside buildings and monitoring their biometric parameters.

Planned outcomes: a functional prototype of a system for location identification and object tracking, consisting of a personal device, a master unit, and a reference device.

Start date: 01.01.2023
End date: 30.06.2024
Project budget: 389,530 PLN

Logo Fundusze Europejskie, Flaga dwukolorowa (Polski) NCBiR, Unia Europejska

2021.03.01 - 2023.11.30


Innovative vehicle for loading bulk materials EV-LKP1

The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the agreement POIR.01.01.01-00-1427/20-00.

Project title: Innovative vehicle for loading bulk materials EV-LKP1

The subject of the project is the development and construction of a prototype of a lightweight mining loader with electric drive and battery power (BEV – Battery Electric Vehicle), equipped with a dedicated advanced diagnostic system. An innovative solution not previously used in loaders of this size will be the elimination of the drivetrain and the implementation of an “in-wheel drive” solution.

As part of the project, a loader design will be developed, with a focus on dedicated, integrated drive axles with electric drives, a high-capacity energy storage system, and new, innovative wheels. The developed machine prototype will be validated within the project under near-real conditions (a special test track) and in real conditions (bauxite mines).

Planned outcomes:
The result of the work will be an innovative mining machine that, due to its design, will have a positive impact on the natural environment by reducing the consumption of fossil fuels and lubricants, as well as increasing the time and cost efficiency of critical resource extraction operations.

Project value: 10,515,120.82 PLN, including funding: 8,458,287.80 PLN
Funding for Łukasiewicz – EMAG: 5,172,196.50 PLN

Logo Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki, Flaga dwukolorowa (Polski), godło z orłem w koronie

2022.08.02 - 2024.06.30


Study on the alignment of educational outcomes in the Polish education system with future labor market needs

OŚWIATA – Study on the alignment of educational outcomes in the Polish education system with future labor market needs

The task is funded by the State Treasury – Minister of Education and Science.
Under agreement No. MEiN/2022/DPI/225.

Task title: “Study on the alignment of educational outcomes in the Polish education system with future labor market needs” – Acronym: “OŚWIATA”

The main objective of the task is to conduct research that will identify trends and provide predictions regarding employer requirements for future employees, who are currently being educated in the Polish education system, including at the primary, secondary, and higher education levels, as well as changes in acquired professional competencies and preparation for future professions. The task addresses an important issue: the lack of comprehensive information on the gap between future labor market demands and the professional competencies and preparation for future professions being acquired within the Polish education system.
The task responds to the needs of employers, including companies of various sizes, government and local administration, as well as future employees currently attending primary, secondary, or higher education institutions, and those acquiring professional skills through courses, post-secondary or postgraduate schools.

Start date: 02.03.2022
End date: 31.08.2023

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