
How can we help

What we offer


Take advantage of a wide range of our services and ready-to-use solutions adapted to one’s individual needs.


Gain advantage on the market with our RD services.


Extend your competence with our specialized training.


Take advantage of diverse testing equipment operated by experienced scientists.


Make sure that your products and services are in accordance with requirements stipulated by regulations and standards.

ikonka kłódki wewnątrz elementów składających się na wirujące łuki tworzące koło

ITSEF Laboratory
(IT Security Evaluation Facility)

The laboratory carries out security evaluation of IT products. Accreditation Certificate No AB 1781 by the Polish Centre of Accreditation and a licence by the NASK Certification Body
(SOG-IS and CCRA requirements).

abstrakcyjne fale

Radio Equipment Laboratory

The laboratory specializes in tests which confirm the products accordance with RED 2014/53/EU (Radio Equipment Directive). The tests concern industrial equipment integrated with cable- and radio based telecommunication systems.

Pomieszczenie wyłożone biłaymi płytkami. Na podłodze elementy o wyglądzie ostrosłupów. Z boku pomieszczenia wielka antena.

Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory

The laboratory performs tests of electromagnetic compatibility for manufacturers from different industries, measurements in three-screen semi-anechoic chambers and IN SITU tests. Accreditation Certificate No AB 261 by the Polish Centre for Accreditation.

Ręce tnące kable cążkami. W tle liczne duze kolorowe kable

Cable and Environmental Research Laboratory

The laboratory carries out tests of cables, flammability tests, electric tests, environmental tests, ingress protection (IP) rating tests, corrosion resistance tests (beyond accreditation range). The laboratory is accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation (Accreditation Certificate No AB 261).

Duże metalowe urządzenia

Electric Machines
and Devices Laboratory

The laboratory performs tests and measurements of dry and oil-immersed transformers, electric and thermal imaging tests, tests of distribution and measuring boards. The laboratory is accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation (Accreditation Certificate No AB 261). It also offers testing services beyond its accreditation range.

Zegar ciśnieniomierza

Gas Measuring Devices

The laboratory specializes in testing and analyses of gas measuring devices and solid fuels. The laboratory is accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation (Accreditation Certificate No AB 261).

miarki na blacie

Calibration Laboratory

The laboratory performs calibrations of measuring devices. It is accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation (Accreditation Certificate No AP 051).

Znak CE na małym kwadratowym polu

Accredited product certification body

It is accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation AC053 and operates in accordance with the requirements of the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17065:2013-03 standard. The body conducts independent product assessments and issues certificates confirming the product's compliance with the requirements of European (including harmonized) or national standards.


Learn about our major services


Our Security Services Centre (CUBE) offers 24/7 monitoring of IT infrastructure, including databases, clusters, networks and network equipment, personal computers, and enterprise applications. We also perform IT infrastructure audits, security tests, vulnerability assessments, penetration tests, performance tests, and source code analysis.


Without the need to invest in their own infrastructure, entrepreneurs can immediately begin protecting their business from cyberattacks by utilizing our resources.

Relying on experts in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, proven processes, and effective technologies, we offer proactive monitoring, event analysis, and incident response.

Our priority is to provide protection that ensures the continuity of business processes as well as the security of intellectual property and reputation. A hacker attack can shut down an entire factory and production line, potentially causing losses in the millions, especially in the automotive sector.

Collaboration with CUBE also provides access to the latest technologies, full IT specialist support for existing IT staff, and continuous monitoring. Financially, this translates into a significant reduction in costs related to maintaining and updating in-house security systems, as well as immediate access to the full value of the technology.

CUBE’s services include:

  • The Security Operation Center (SOC) primarily consists of people—SOC analysts—equipped with specialized tools and cybersecurity knowledge. They perform continuous security monitoring within the organization, focusing particularly on the analysis of anomalies and suspicious events.
  • Security audits and tests are conducted by the team to identify vulnerabilities and improve the security level within the organization. Specialists support the audited organization in preparing to meet current and upcoming regulations governing security and business continuity. In addition to security audits performed in accordance with the Act on the National Cybersecurity System (KSC), the National Interoperability Framework (KRI), and ISO 27001 standards, the expert team also develops Information Security Management System (ISMS) documentation, Business Continuity Policies, and conducts vulnerability scans, penetration tests, and social engineering tests to assess how aware employees are of cyber threats.
  • Cybersecurity training for dedicated target groups includes:
    • employees – basic cybersecurity awareness training, including the use of commonly available web tools;
    • IT specialists – advanced training on detecting attacks and protection methods;
    • management staff – basic training with a focus on business, financial, and legal aspects.

Additionally, specialized training is also provided, such as information protection and personal data protection training. The training can be conducted online for any number of participants or in person (divided into groups).

Service recipients

The recipients of the service are local government units, City and Municipal Offices, and Hospitals.

Tests of "smart" products

The Radio and Wireless Communication Laboratory conducts tests on "smart" products—those that communicate via wireless data transmission or contain radio components—as well as telecommunications devices such as 2G, 3G, and 5G. The tests are carried out to ensure compliance with the European RED Directive (2014/53/EU), enabling quick market access for tested products in the EU while providing users with the assurance that they are using safe products.

In our new testing infrastructure, we provide clients with the opportunity to conduct tests to confirm the compliance of their products with Directive 2014/53/EU (RED – Radio Equipment Directive – a directive of the European Parliament and Council concerning the harmonization of the laws of member states regarding the market availability of radio equipment).

In addition, we offer testing of 2G, 3G, and 5G telecommunications devices. Our testing facilities are equipped with a Fully Anechoic Room (FAR), compliant with CTIA OTA and ETSI TR102 273 standards, enabling Over-The-Air (OTA) testing for telecommunications devices utilizing wireless technology.

Thanks to our advanced testing infrastructure, we ensure high quality and accuracy of tests, as well as confirmation of product compliance with required standards.

Security assessments of ICT products.

At the ITSEF Laboratory (IT Security Evaluation Facility), we perform security assessments of software, hardware components, and hardware-software solutions in various application areas, in accordance with the ISO/IEC 15408 international standards family.

The ITSEF Laboratory (IT Security Evaluation Facility) conducts security assessments of ICT products, including both software and hardware components, as well as hardware-software solutions, in the following areas: automotive, telecommunications, energy and smart grids, smart metering, industrial automation and control systems, the Internet of Things (IoT), telecommunications networks, public administration, and critical infrastructure components.

The effectiveness of the security measures used in an IT product is verified through an independent evaluation conducted by a qualified team of evaluators using specialized equipment and tools.

During the evaluation, the product documentation is reviewed, an audit of the product’s development environment is conducted, and functional tests, vulnerability analysis, and penetration tests are performed. The evaluation is carried out with the level of detail and rigor defined by the intended EAL (Evaluation Assurance Level) of justified confidence, using the ISO/IEC 18045 (CEM – Common Evaluation Methodology) for IT security evaluation.

The Common Criteria standards include evaluation criteria for a product in terms of design, security architecture, development environment and product lifecycle, functional testing, and vulnerability analysis.

Service recipients: The offer is aimed at IT product manufacturers, including software, hardware components, and hardware-software solutions, in which any information security measures are embedded to protect the resources processed and stored in these products.

Advanced data analysis and decision support systems.

We provide services in data analysis, industrial metrology, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. This enables us to develop dedicated solutions for various sectors, with a focus on digitalization, automation, forecasting, optimization, security, and predictive maintenance. Our state-of-the-art systems enhance operational efficiency and reliability while simultaneously reducing costs.

Based on well-known and unique analytical algorithms, we specialize in developing advanced decision support systems that are used in various sectors such as industry, healthcare, public administration, and education.

Our offer includes services and software implementation for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with a particular focus on expanding the applications of advanced data analysis in the industrial sector.

Improving reliability, efficiency, and security are currently some of the top priorities for industrial organizations and enterprises. They are focusing their efforts and resources on controlling costs, maximizing production value, and optimizing their investments.

Predictive Maintenance helps organizations achieve the highest return on critical assets by supporting predictive maintenance (PdM) programs. The Predictive Maintenance solution provides early warning and diagnosis of equipment issues, days, weeks, or even months before a failure occurs.

It enables resource-heavy organizations to minimize equipment downtime, boost reliability, and enhance performance, while also reducing operational and maintenance expenses.

The core of EMAG’s research and scientific operations are Research Centre for Innovative Technologies, Informatics Research Centre and Testing and Certification Centre.

These centres are focused on specialized scientific and technological domains. This way it is possible to carry out research for different sectors. The centres encompass dedicated research groups and laboratories which are oriented towards certain tasks, enabling a wide range of projects.

The center conducts scientific, research and development, and technological work in the fields of sustainable economy and energy, intelligent mobility, and digital transformation.

The staff of the Center also conduct applied research and development work in areas specified in the statute, including computer engineering, technical informatics and telecommunications, and environmental engineering, focusing on the design and implementation of application software, designing computer applications using leading software architectures and programming technologies for industrial process design.

Our services

  • industrial automation systems, security, and telecommunications systems,
  • process monitoring systems,
  • environmental protection solutions,
  • development of innovation assessments and expert opinions.

Our clients

Companies from the industrial sector and enterprises seeking comprehensive solutions tailored to their needs.

Enterprises looking to increase production efficiency, optimize decision-making processes, implement digital transformation, and achieve cost savings.

Grupa osób siedząyccych

Research Groups

  • optimization of production processes,
  • dedicated automation and control systems,
  • development of digital twins (particularly for the energy sector),
  • development and maintenance of radiometric meters,
  • design of technological devices and measurement systems,
  • design of waste and by-product management technologies,
  • development of low-emission solid fuels,
  • application of AI in industrial metrology
  • machine learning systems and solutions
  • Systems for monitoring the technological and environmental parameters of machines and equipment.
  • Security systems for hydrogen production, transmission, and storage processes,
  • Dedicated systems for the energy sector, mining, and explosion hazard zones.
  • Risk analysis and safety assessment of installations.
  • Transport systems, electromobility systems, unmanned systems,
  • Design of industrial battery electric vehicles (BEV),
  • The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in industry,
  • Development of vehicles and transport systems designed for operation in challenging work environments.
  • Safety systems in hydrogen systems,
  • Production of biogas and hydrogen from agricultural and food waste,
  • Devices and equipment for healthcare,
  • ICT systems in healthcare,
  • the use of AI in biomedical data analysis
  • solutions for occupational health and safety

The centre performs scientific, RD and technological works in the scope of software development, design of systems, analytical platforms and expert systems on the basis of modern solutions in the domains of knowledge bases and data storage, maintenance and processing of big data sets which support business continuity and decision processes, preparation of environments for e-services in the public sphere, and the development of systems for e-business.

Our services

  • development and implementation of information systems,
  • business systems security and risk analysis,
  • medical systems and apparatus,
  • development and implementation of decision support systems,
  • data statistics and data mining analyses, data visualization,
  • preventing the exclusion of people with disabilities,
  • preparing opinions on innovation,
  • implementation of modern semantic technologies.

Our clients

Our clients are small and medium-size companies, large organizations and the public sector. All who look for dedicated IT solutions that would ensure their business continuity, data security, and speed up decision processes with respect to digitalization.

These are enterprises and institutions that want to optimize their processes, data analysis and the development of analytical platforms and information systems accessible to all users.

Grupa osób stojących w pomieszczeniu za przeszkloną szybą

Research Groups

Data monitoring systems, learning systems, data analysis to develop decision support systems.

The issues of industrial informatics, industrial systems, data acquisition from industrial installations, analytics of these data, preparing analytical models for practical applications.

Developing structures in the range of Open Data and Open Science. Standardization of processes, services in data collection, co-operation with other European standards.

Standardization of cyber security, products evaluation – both hardware and software. Developing research methods to evaluate solutions, research models of laboratories and certification.

Development of EMAG’s competence in order to commercialize products for the handicapped, particularly those that enable them to access digital resources.

Systems security architecture, development and testing of software, automation, manual kinds and technologies with respect to different methods.

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